Thursday, September 10, 2009

Brazil Update #4- From Sean!

I got an email update from Sean and he wanted me to pass it on to you all... they have been at a retreat all weekend.

Well....when most people think about a retreat they picture nice
cabins, good food, AC, log fires, swimming pools. All the stuff you
would find at Hume Lake. Well, we were not even close to Hume. The
only way to describe it would be Survivor. We were on a big sandy
beach on the river with the hot hot sun beating down on us. WHen you
first walk into the water you have to drag your feet so that the sting
rays know you are coming and will swim away because if you don't and
you step on one they will sting you good. The sand was nice until the
afternoon when it became super hot. All we had to sit on was the
ground itself (which is actually what my name means in
Portegues...ground) or on a chair that we stole from someone else.
The food was great each day and we enjoyed rice and beans at each
meal. We were fed so much that Robert and I tried to sneak out of
meals but the Brazilian women would not have that!

The speaking went very well and we both did a good job. There were 6
baptisms and many more decisions following one of Roberts messages
about being a missionary to your home town. God really worked on the
people's hearts. We could tell that we were being prayed for at home.

There really is so much to tell, but it is so hot I can't focus on
anything. We are doing great and we each have one more lesson to
give. Looking forward to coming home and sharing all that God has


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Brazil Update #3

Sean was able to call last night. They got to Araguana without any further problems and attended a great Wednesday night church service. Tomorrow, they will head out of town to a retreat with the church. Again, please be praying that God's word will be spoken through Sean and Robert and that lives will be changed toward Christ.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brazil Update #2

Sean and Robert are still in Sao Paolo. They fly out tomorrow at 7:00 a.m. for Araguana. Pray for continued traveling mercies and a safe flight to their destination! Once they make it to Araguana, they will be preaching and teaching at a retreat, starting on Friday. Pray that the power of God's Word will be translated through the interpreters and that Sean & Robert would speak what God wants the people to hear.

It sounds like the boys have been able to rest some, which is great, becuase once they reach Araguana, they will hit the ground running!

Thanks for your prayers and support!


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