Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jimmy Preaching at Parkside Church

Today Jimmy taught from Acts at Parkside Church. Ashtyn began by reading Acts 27 and 28:1-10. Jimmy did a great job preaching about these chapters! Jimmy, Linda, Ashtyn and Jarred enjoyed attending Parkside's service. They loved worshipping with the members of Parkside! They also enjoyed drinking tea with the church community after the service.


Worshipping with Masai Women under Tree Chruch

We were blessed to hear beautiful music by the Masai women. Our team gathered with some of the Masai at one of their churches. This particular church meets under a tree. Their gathering demonstrated how a church is not a building.


Jimmy and Jarred have learned that Kenyans love football!!! Today after church at Lifespring, two boys were playing. Jarred and Jimmy decided to join them and soon after they had a clan of boys playing!!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Vacation Bible Study with the Masai Children

What a fantastic experience! We were expecting 60 children at VBS, but God blessed us with more than 130! What precious little ones, ranging in age from 2 to 12. The Greene's did an awesome job with the story time! Ashtyn brought the stories to life. The children loved the songs we taught them and loved playing games with Jared and Jimmy, especially football.
We were invited to one of the Masai's home, what an experience to visit at a traditional Masai village. The Masai wear such beautiful colors, lots of red, amazing bead work around their neck and jewelry for their ears. We also were able to visit one of their churches under a beautiful tree and sing with the women of that village. On a Sunday, about 80 people will join together under the tree to praise and worship God.
Today Jimmy will be preaching at a church in Nairobi. Half the team is going to this church with Jimmy and the other half to another church here in Nairobi. Jim will be going to the other church and will be teaching them a song from America.
We thank you for your prayers! So far everyone is doing very well. Please continue to pray for good health, safety and that God is getting all the Glory!
Tomorrow morning we leave for Migori and will do a 4 lessons over 2 days for the children of this village. Jim and Jimmy will be teaching the adults with 4 two hour sessions. At the end of the week we will drive through the Masa Mara and should see some amazing wild life. Then on next Saturday we will be back in Nairobi and Jim will preach next weekend.
All are doing very well and send their love and greetings to our family and friends. Again thank you for your prayers! God Bless!
Love, Phil, Jennie, Jared, Ashtyn, Jimmy, Jim and Linda


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kenya Team status

hey everyone! just wanted to give you a quick update. our Kenya team got delayed and is currently stuck in Canada for 24 hours. they will be leaving at 3:25 pm and will be arriving in Nairobi kenya thursday morning (thursday evening kenya time). Please be praying for patience and also that the team would be able to get some rest on the flights. thanks!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Africa Team Set to Leave

Dear Friends and Family - We just want to say thank you for all your prayers and support as we begin our journey very early tomorrow morning. Please continue to pray for those we will meet along the way, that they will see the love of Christ through us.

If our flights go as planned, we will arrive in Kenya at 7:05 pm, Wednesday, April 22nd, which will be 9:05am Pacific Time - Kenya is 10 hours ahead of California time. Pray that we have no problems getting our visa's at the Nairobi airport and no issues going through customs, and of course, that all of our bags arrive!

We will try and update this blog as often as we can, but there will be many days when we do not have electricity or access to a computer.

Again, thank you for your prayers!

With all our love,

The Greene's - Phil, Jennie, Ashtyn and Jarred
The Corrao's - Jim, Linda and Jimmy


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