Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Saying Good Bye

On our final day, we visited a few tourist spots around Nairobi, enjoyed a nice lunch even with a latte! This picture includes Larry and Judy who hosted us, they have been in Africa for 42 years! And our wonderful driver, Stephen. Our flights were all on time and we arrived at home at 7:30pm. We will miss our new African friends, but it is also nice to be home.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Amazing Masai Mara

After our 4 session VBS program and 4 adult training sessions, we headed to the Masai Mara for a couple days of relaxation. During this time of year, everything is so green and pretty. We saw lots of lions, zebras, elephants, giraffes, cape buffalos, and many other amazing animals!
We are now back in Nairobi where Jim and Jimmy will be preaching at two different churches.


The boys love Jimmy!

And Jimmy loved them! These children have been blessed with so much more than any material "thing" could give them - they have been blessed with love and the gift of community. We can learn so much from them!


Preparing to worship at Migori VBS

Another amazing VBS at Migori's Upper Hill Christian Church, nestled in a beautiful agricultural area of Kenya, located in the middle of sugar cane and tea. We taught over 150 children about the love of Jesus. They really enjoyed the new American songs we taught them and we enjoyed learning a couple of their wonderful praise songs.


Migori VBS - Jim doing card tricks for the children

The children loved watching Jim perform his card tricks and other magic tricks. What a blessing it was for Jim to be able to share even through the language barrier.


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